Here you'll find action items you can do to make a difference in Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista and in San Diego County. Everything from clicking a button, sending emails to more hands-on involvement. There is something for every ability. You make the difference.
Our strength comes from working together.
What can I do?
Something for Everyone
There are many action items each of us can do. We've created action levels 1-4 so you can find something that fits your comfort level.
Action Level 1: Click a button and you're done.
Action Level 2: Send an email or letter. Make a phone call. Volunteer with mailings. Get together with like-minded people.
Action Level 3: Attend and support others at government meetings. Pass out fliers.
Action Level 4: Speak at City Council, School Board, Board of Supervisor's meetings. Help at a booth. Door knocking. Get involved with a city committee.
"You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them."
-- Ray Bradbury
Level 1
California Schools are trampling on Parental Rights. Sign n send. Level 1
So much happens every day. Share what you know with others.
Level 2
Help Others Engage COMING SOON
Frustrated Feeling Helpless
Many people feel alone, frustrated and hopeless. We have answers. Reach out to them.
Level 3
Listen to Mr. Constitution (Doug Gibbs) on corruption of the Constitution (9/13/2024)
Level 1
Join thousands of others and sign the Declaration of Military Accountability
Level 1
We'll put up an new movie about current topics each week. Educate and Share.
Level 1
Inform Professionals COMING SOON
Share Documents
Educate Sheriffs, Doctors, Officials about Informed Consent
Level 2
Leaders and Bankers want a Centralized Digital Currency. Cash is the solution.
Level 1
Listen to Trevor Loudin on Marxist and Communist actors in US government (2/9/2024)
Level 1
Contact Officials
The WHO Treaty and International Health Regulations will remove national sovereignty. Email or Phone.
Level 2